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Processing Input Data

Before following these steps, you should have prepared the required datasets and organized them in a working directory. Refer to the Required Datasets page for more information.


  1. Create a working directory and subdirectories
  2. Prepare the drain_table and gauge_table files.
  3. Prepare the hindcast_series_table file.

Prepare Flow Duration Curve Data

Process the hindcast_series_table to create a 2nd table with the flow duration curve on each segment.

p_exceed model_id_1 model_id_2 model_id_3
100 0 0 0
97.5 10 10 10
95 20 20 20
... ... ... ...

Then process the FDC data to create a 3rd table with scaled/transformed FDC data for each segment.

model_id Q100 Q97.5 Q95
1 60 50 40
2 60 50 40
3 60 50 40
... ... ... ...