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Required Hydrological Datasets

  1. Hindcast/Retrospective discharge for every stream segment (reporting point) in the model. This is a time series of discharge, e.g. hydrograph, for each stream segment. The data should be saved in parquet format and named hindcast_series_table.parquet. The DataFrame should have:
    1. An index named datetime of type datetime. Contains the datetime stamp for the simulated values (rows)
    2. 1 column per stream, column name is the stream's model ID and is type string, containing the discharge for each time step.
  2. Observed discharge data for each gauge. 1 file per gauge named {gauge_id}.csv. The DataFrame should have:
    1. datetime: The datetime stamp for the measurements
    2. A column whose name is the unique gauge_id containing the discharge for each time step.

The hindcast_series_table.parquet should look like this:

datetime model_id_1 model_id_2 model_id_3 ...
1985-01-01 50 50 50 ...
1985-01-02 60 60 60 ...
1985-01-03 70 70 70 ...
... ... ... ... ...

Each gauge's csv file should look like this:

datetime discharge
1985-01-01 50
1985-01-02 60
1985-01-03 70
... ...

Things to check

Be sure that both datasets:

  • Are in the same units (e.g. m3/s)
  • Are in the same time zone (e.g. UTC)
  • Are in the same time step (e.g. daily average)
  • Do not contain any non-numeric values (e.g. ICE, none, etc.)
  • Do not contain rows with missing values (e.g. NaN or blank cells)
  • Have been cleaned of any incorrect values (e.g. no negative values)
  • Do not contain any duplicate rows