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Assignment Table

The Assignments Table is the core of the saber python package. It is a pandas dataframe which is saved to disk as a parquet file. It has 1 row per subbasin in your hydrologic model. It is generated from the drain_table, gauge_table, and regulate_table input files. The table has the following columns:

  1. model_id: The unique ID of the stream segment. This is the same as the model_id in the drain_table and drain_gis.
  2. downstream_model_id: The ID of the next downstream reach, used to trace the network programmatically. This comes from the drain_table.
  3. strahler_order: The strahler stream order of each reach. This comes from the drain_table.
  4. x: The x coordinate of the centroid of each subbasin. This comes from the drain_table.
  5. y: The y coordinate of the centroid of each subbasin. This comes from the drain_table.
  6. gauge_id: The unique ID of the gauge contained by the subbasin. This comes from the gauge_table. This will be blank for most rows.
  7. regulated_id: The unique ID of the regulatory structure contained by the subbasin. This comes from the regulate_table. This will be blank for most rows.
  8. latitude: The latitude of each gauge. This comes from the gauge_table.
  9. longitude: The longitude of each gauge. This comes from the gauge_table.
  10. cluster_label: The cluster label of each subbasin. This is used to group subbasins together for calibration. This column is generated by SABER.